The Right Business Culture

October 21, 2022

Every business, large or small, has a culture. Maybe, it’s called a business culture, corporate culture, or organizational culture, but they are all the same. The culture that is right for one company may not the right culture for another company because each company is unique and has its own culture. A business culture is hard to define. Basically, it is an atmosphere that prevails within the company, employee beliefs, communication, customer service, and interaction between management and employees. A culture might even dictate how employees dress, flexibility of work hours, office configurations, or break room perks, as examples. 

It takes effort on the part of management to build a positive culture, but the right business culture is an essential ingredient for success and with success comes an increase in business value. The following are ways to create and reinforce a positive business culture:

Establish clear goals understood by everyone – All employees need to be onboard with the company’s goals and priorities. One employee or group of employees cannot be trying to achieve one set of goals while another employee or another group of employees are trying to achieve another set of goals. Everyone must work to achieve the same goals established by management even though different departments, divisions, etc. will have separate goals. All of the separate goals must still align with the ultimate goals of the company.

Celebrate achievements – When goals are met (even small ones), they should be highlighted and celebrated with all employees. This can be accomplished through email announcements, a company meeting, awards ceremony, or a special event. Everyone likes to be a part of something successful so be sure to celebrate all successes. This reinforces motivation that everyone needs.

Share positive experiences – A positive attitude is engrained in employees when they see and know of positive experiences of their co-workers. Maybe, someone worked overtime to meet a deadline or demonstrated exemplary service with a particular customer. Shared experiences like this are symbols of commitment and deep values that helps build a positive culture within a business.

Be a role model – Management must be leaders and demonstrate behavior that they want employees to copy and internalize. When management’s actions differ from their words, credibility is lost in an instant and difficult, if not, impossible to recoup.

Understand a timeline – Building a positive culture takes time and effort. It is a slow process that must start from the time of recruitment, continue through training, and never ends. Personalities and values must fit with a company’s current culture and be parallel with the mission and vision.

A business culture contributes to the success of a business, or it can be one factor in its downfall. A culture affects the way employees work and act. It is up to management to decide with their words and actions whether that culture will be a positive or negative influence on the business and have a positive or negative influence on employees.

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