Toxic Employees Can Have Deadly Consequences
July 18, 2019
Toxic employees can be like any other dangerous substance. In the context of a business, they can poison a workplace. What might have once been a congenial group of employees can seemingly turn into a renegade band in which no one has loyalty to the company or cares what happens in the future as long as salaries are paid.
Business owners and managers must be well aware and vigilant of employee attitudes and needs. This is a result of open and honest communication. When interaction breaks down between different levels (owners and managers, managers and subordinates), the stage is set for toxic employees to become focal points for other employees.
Of course, situations that have nothing to do with a business might be the cause of an employee’s discontentment…family, financial, health issues, etc. Regardless of the source of unhappiness, it must still be dealt with if the attitude negatively affects the business environment. It is precisely for this reason that management must properly and promptly handle toxic employees, so the overall employee attitude and company efficiency is not negatively impacted.
Consider the following ways to handle difficult, toxic employees:
Be Patient and Maintain Composure
Toxic employees can be like a keg of gunpowder ready to explode at any second. They look for any opportunity to express their frustrations, intimidate, or be aggressive with anyone they are communicating with at the moment. Push the wrong button and havoc reins supreme. Rather than being provoked into an argument that can probably never be won, it is important for owners and managers to be patient and maintain composure. Rather than challenging an upset employee and inflaming an already tense situation, a calming approach rather than a defiant approach can allow the employee to regain a sense of stability and rational thinking. The idea is to reduce tensions not elevate tensions.
Be Direct
Strong and clear communication is a necessity. Dealing with a toxic employee is not a time for “beating around the bush.” Employees must know what is expected of them and consequences of their actions - both good and bad. When employees do not have clear expectations, they are more inclined to test the limits of management to see exactly what will and will not be tolerated. Strong, direct communication and successful leaders are interrelated.
Be Proactive
During conversations with a toxic employee, think about what can be done to improve the work environment that might alleviate the employee’s level of stress and anxiety. In other words, be proactive in actions rather than reactive with actions. This is a time to depersonalize the situation and think like the employee…symbolically putting yourself in the shoes of the employee. Rather than pitting you against the employee, think emphatically about what you can do to help turn the toxic employee into a positive, energetic employee.
Remove the Spotlight
Toxic employees love to be in the spotlight. It is their time to shine and get attention. When the glare of the spotlight is removed, many times issues seem to subside or completely disappear. Management’s time is valuable and cannot be consumed with attention-seeking employees. It is far better to work with employees with positive attitudes that can help a business achieve its goals. The time must come when toxic employees need to either get “on board” or plans made for a timely exit. The spotlight should be on the business and not on an unhappy employee.
Be Consistent
All employees must be handled the same. Boxing gloves cannot be used on some while kid gloves are used on others. Rewards and praise need to be given for superior performance, as well as consequences for poor performance and bad attitudes. Good employees resent unequal treatment while the toxic employees relish inconsistent behavior of management.
No Place or Time for Toxic Employees
Business success depends on every employee at every level being as productive and efficient as possible. Toxic employees cannot be allowed to disease an energetic workforce. We’ve all heard the expression, “One rotten apple spoils the barrel.” Well, one toxic employee can ruin an entire workforce.