Why Hire an ASBC or ASMEC
You’re a business owner. You know your product or service well – that's why you're in the business you're in! Obviously, you have what it takes to own or operate a small business – motivation (working day and night), passion (you love what you do), independence (I want to be my own boss), and risk tolerance (I can roll the dice, at times) combined with a certain amount of experience (the school of hard knocks) and the technical skills that your particular business warrants. But...what about other operational areas? Could you use some expert assistance? Are you limited - knowledge and/or experience in some crucial areas of your business? Every day there is so much required of a small business or SME owner or manager – pulled here and pulled there – asked to make this decision or that one. Heck, what small business or SME owner can be an expert in every aspect of one's business? So, how do you increase your bottom line?
Hire an Accredited Small Business Consultant (ASBC) or Master Accredited Small Business Consultant (ASMEC is designation for international members). They can play a crucial role in helping you become more successful. Isn't this what you want...and NEED? Yes! Of course!
The AASBC awards the designation Accredited Small Business Consultant (ASBC), Master Accredited Small Business Consultant (Master ASBC), Accredited SME Consultant (ASMEC is designation for international members), and Master Accredited SME Consultant (Master ASMEC is designation for international members) to members after successfully passing a certification exam. These members have demonstrated their proficiency in small business and SME consulting. There are also additional experience requirements to become certified as a Master ASBC or Master ASMEC. The SEMP Approach: Simplified Examination to Maximize Profit training program and purpose of the AASBC is designed to raise the level of small business and SME consulting, thus increasing operational efficiency and maximizing profit for clients through achievable improvements in everyday systems. This is accomplished through proper planning and operational knowledge. It is estimated that seven out of ten new businesses in the U.S. will likely survive for only two years and half will likely survive for only five years, but you do not have to be one of these statistics! You need one of two things - either a wide diversification of knowledge in all aspects of your small or SME business, or you need the expertise of someone with demonstrated proficiency in small business and SME operations. This person is an ASBC, ASMEC, Master ASBC, or Master ASMEC. The right consultant knows how to assist and guide you in your business. For you, this can be the difference between success and failure or being profitable or incredibly profitable. Which do you want for your business?
When you hire an Accredited Small Business Consultant, Accredited SME Consultant, Master ASBC, or Master ASMEC, you'll be hiring someone who knows small business and SME consulting from "A to Z." Your professionally certified consultant will have the right type of knowledge and practice aides for your specific project. Members receive weekly business tips, monthly business newsletters, and news alerts to stay current about small and SME business. The AASBC even has a community forum for members, so they can communicate with other experienced members, ask questions, seek advice, and discuss current small business and SME issues. Your consultant is not "going it alone."
The concept of the SEMP Approach training is to segment small business and SME consulting into easy, manageable units. This means you can hire a certified member for a quick review and analysis of a particular business concern, or you can hire the consultant for a more detailed and complex review covering multiple business areas. You decide. Always discuss your consulting project (details and fees) with your consultant prior to the start of the engagement. Make sure you have a complete understanding of what you expect, and what the consultant will be delivering to you (services and areas to be reviewed) to avoid any misunderstandings.
The goal of your small business or SME consulting engagement with a certified member is to improve operational efficiency and maximize profit in your business!
Your consultant will ask many detailed, inquisitive questions. This is so you can receive the best professional opinion from your consultant, but you must be honest with your answers. It's a two-way street, so don't be bashful about asking questions and highlighting what you think are problem areas that should be reviewed. And, when the consulting project is completed, listen to the recommendations with an open mind. You and your business will be the ones to prosper. Frank, straightforward, honest, and sincere communication allows the Accredited Small Business Consultant or Accredited SME Consultant to demonstrate proficiency in small business and SME consulting to you - the most important client the consultant has at that moment. Hire a professionally certified consultant and take your business to a new, higher level!