Our comprehensive training program is one-of-a-kind and specifically designed to develop proficiency in the specialized area of small business and SME consulting. With a 40-hour video lecture series and exam review complemented with a 400-page training book, thousands of consultants, managers, business owners, and small business-related advisors around the globe have achieved the AASBC certification while maintaining busy professional schedules. Clients will be guided to increased profitability and business value...as you do the same for yourself.
- Bob Starinsky, MBA, MSA, CCP, ASBC® Principal, Tradewinds Group, Incorporated"The AASBC has done a fantastic job of tying in the SEMP Approach training book to a very professional video series. Like many of my fellow consulting colleagues, I have a multi-year professional background, and like most, I’ve developed my own way of conducting business along the way. The good news? SEMP doesn’t replace a consultants’ prior experience or specialized knowledge – rather it will enhance that skillset by providing a core knowledge and toolset – a system – for helping the consultant probe deeper and make more focused business improvement recommendations to their clients. A good consultant must be knowledgeable, ethical and client-focused – the AASBC, the SEMP Approach, and the ASBC accreditation process combine to build such consultants."
- William E. Linzey, ASBC® Senior Consultant, 19Seventeen, LLCThe SEMP Approach is a great roadmap for growing a business resulting in positive outcomes for all my clients. The accreditation lends to my professional portfolio where clients and business partners require a level of professional trust in working and partnering together. One of my pillars is the more I learn, the better I can serve my clients and my community. Being an active member of the AASBC provides me a stronger foundation of expertise to consult and coach businesses. Excellent decision to be part of the AASBC!
- Denis Sweeney, ASBC® Owner, Sweeney Enterprises“The amount of material included in the SEMP Approach training book is incredible considering the reasonable cost. It’s a full-fledged consulting business curriculum. I regularly refer to it, as well as use it as a reference manual, during my client engagements.”
- Mollie Watkins, ASBC® Founder, Comprehensive Consulting Solutions for Small Businesses"When I started my own consulting business, I knew that I wanted to make sure I persisted in continuing education programs, which is why I joined the AASBC®and became an Accredited Small Business Consultant®. The program materials include the SEMP Approach training book and an on-demand video lecture series that provides a wealth of information pertaining to small businesses and how to help owners increase operational efficiencies and maximize profit.
- La Juana Whitmore, ASBC® Small Business Strategist www.LaJuanaWhitmore.com"Before joining the AASBC, I was already doing internal consulting for a major corporation and consulting small businesses on the side. Since I had not heard of the AASBC the question was, “Is this for me?” After completing the certification, it became instantly obvious that the answer was yes. The training filled gaps in my knowledge and gave me a complete playbook."
- Helal Al-Helal, PhD, ASMEC® Owner of Mac Market Access, Kuwait"If you’re a small business consultant or want to be, joining the AASBC will give you both the comfort and confidence that you know more about small business than any of your clients - and you’ll be able to deliver the right solution to the myriad of problems every small business owner will encounter. The training book is your ticket to passing the certification exam."
- Les Dutka, ASBC® Owner, Dutka International"During the three years since the sale of my company, I have coached and mentored small businesses and start-ups but did not feel that I had the structure or confidence to help with a thorough and comprehensive examination. This changed when I discovered the AASBC and began studying their comprehensive training book, the SEMP Approach, backed up with video lectures that bring to life the detailed information covered in the training book. The AASBC also offers impressive ongoing member support via newsletters, weekly tips, power points, checklists and more."
- Dennis Leininger, CEPA, ASBC®, CPC Owner, Business Transition Solutions"Being an independent consultant, certification helps marketability. It broadened my service offering and increased my projects just as a result of being able to promote my AASBC certification. The feature I liked best was that there were two different ways to learn the material...reading which is great and the addition of the video lecture series to plug some of the gaps in my understanding."